Thanksgiving 2015

 There are so many things to be thankful for this year. But most of all, I am thankful for my HUSBAND who is always there for me, always so supportive of everything I do. I am thankful for my CHILDREN because they bring me absolute joy and give me love like no other; they are my purpose to get better in everything I do. I am thankful for our BUNDLE OF JOY – our little miracle due in March of 2016; and my whole FAMILY because family is so very important! Most of all, I am thankful for the LORD

Baby #4 is on the way…

I am still amazed that we are going to have an another baby, another little human to love on, to hug, to kiss, to watch grow into their own personality. I was not taking any birth control for personal reasons, however; I was monitoring my cycles, and our intimacy with an app on my phone. We were never opposed to have another child but I know from previous experiences that my irregular cycles had the odds stacked against us. My husband travels a lot for his work, so that makes it pretty difficult as well. Both my husband and I

Something more about Me…

Before I get started I wanted to thank you for visiting my web blog. Since this is my first blog entry; I hope you made yourself a LARGE cup of coffee, tea, or perhaps glass of wine because I have about 10 years of ground to cover to bring you up to date. So, enjoy your cup of whatever you are drinking and welcome to my personal journey. If you read my about page you probably know my name is Barbora. I was born and raised in one of the most beautiful towns in the world, Spisska Nova Ves located