Thanksgiving 2015

 There are so many things to be thankful for this year. But most of all, I am thankful for my HUSBAND who is always there for me, always so supportive of everything I do. I am thankful for my CHILDREN because they bring me absolute joy and give me love like no other; they are my purpose to get better in everything I do. I am thankful for our BUNDLE OF JOY – our little miracle due in March of 2016; and my whole FAMILY because family is so very important! Most of all, I am thankful for the LORD who makes everything possible!

This year, we spent our Thanksgiving at my brother-in-law’s house with my husband’s side of the family. Between five children and eleven adults, the house was filled with laughter and of course, a little crankiness too;) It was full of enjoyable moments, good long conversations, and delicious food. I looove family gatherings a lot, especially when they are drama free. You know, no matter what type of the party you do, there will be at least one person who is not going to be happy with something. Unfortunately, I learned the hard way, that you can not always please everyone, unless you are willing to lose your mind! 🙂

Thanksgiving is such a special holiday, families gather together to enjoy each others company, combined with delicious meal and most of all, to make memories that last forever. For some reason I never learned about it back in Europe when I took English language classes. Oh… and lets not forget those amazing sweet potatoes topped with marshmallows, my incredible cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Who knew, that you can make a dessert from pumpkin? Well, I sure never heard of it, till I came to the USA. So incredibly delicious and so unique in taste. I believe, that by now I’ve mastered these recipes pretty well, at least my family never complaints. I also noticed, that people are more likely gather their families for Thanksgiving than for Christmas. I wonder, why that is? I guess it’s because Thanksgiving is a day where we celebrate our THANKS for all of our blessings regardless of one’s faith. 

I hope that all of you had a great Thanksgiving and safe travels 🙂 

I am adding couple of pictures of my family, which were taken by our amazing photographer Michelle Marsh Photography for our Thanksgiving cards.














Happy Girls
Happy Girls

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